Some people are so set in their ways that they don't see the purpose in changing their diet in an attempt to relieve uncomfortable symptoms that they may very well have from eating the wrong foods. A person can get so used to feeling bloated, having gas pains, experiencing nasal congestion, excema, even brain fog to name a few that they cannot even imagine what it would feel like to have all of those symptoms dissapear.
We have food sensitivities/intollerances to wheat and diary in our home. We have experienced all of the symptoms that I have previously said which has effected mental focus, behaviour and sleep. I myself have an intollerance to dairy, my son has an intollerance to both wheat (gluten) and dairy (casein), and my father has been diagnosed with celiac disease a few years ago.
I have found it very necessary to change our diet! Eating clean is amazing, we have more energy, clearer skin and feel more allert and focused. Slimming down along with it is just a bonus! You will be amazed at how good you can feel eating this way! I do not eat clean as a diet but as a healthier lifestyle change that my whole family is benefitting from. I am in the process of compiling all of our favorite family recipes into a cookbook with delicious meals, snacks, deserts, etc. I have been able to convert all of our favorite recipes that we have always made to "gluten free clean eating".
Pam Nash.